The business of it will soon be too weighty, and intricate, to be managed with any tolerable degree of convenience, by a power, so distant from us, and so very ignorant of us.
La tasca serà aviat massa feixuga i intricada per a ser dirigida amb qualsevol grau tolerable d’adequació per un poder tan distant i tan ignorant de nosaltres.
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Better be ignorant than obstinate
Millor ser ignorant que obstinat
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That insane android continues to ignore me.
Aquell androide dement continua ignorant-me.
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Ignoring these orders, the Marines continued to resist.
Ignorant aquestes ordres, els marines van continuar resistint.
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Now you may think that it is ignorant to speak broken English
Deveu pensar que és d’ignorant parlar un anglès xampurrejat.
Font: TedTalks
You may be thinking somebody is snubbing you on Facebook.
Podeu pensar que algú us està ignorant a Facebook.
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I felt very ignorant, but what could I do?
Em vaig sentir molt ignorant, però què hi podia fer?
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The effect was absolutely dazzling.
L’efecte va ser absolutament enlluernador.
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I think it’s absolutely outrageous.
Crec que és absolutament indignant.
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"Absolutely," I said with approval.
«Absolutament», va dir amb aprovació.
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